
Program Coordinator

Polly Briggs has over 30 years of teaching experience. She has worked with students of all ages. Through her years of teaching, Polly has worked with thousands of students. She was not just a teacher but a friend and mentor. She takes a personal interest in her students and their lives.

KidsMatter2.org is NOT a 911 reporting system. KidsMatter2.org desires to keep all reports confidential. KM2 will only involve those that are necessary in the problem-solving process. However, if mandatory reporting, state, or federal laws apply to the report, proper authorities must be notified of the situation. KM2 is strictly a reporting tool and resource website. At KM2 our goal is to promptly reply to all reports. However, response times may vary. KM2 does NOT provide any form of mental health counseling or services. When requested, KM2 will attempt to assist with connecting an individual to resources.
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